Dallas Class Action Lawsuit Attorney

The class action attorneys at Kilgore & Kilgore have obtained several large settlements from class actions. Since class action lawsuits can be expensive, many law firms are unwilling to undertake them. Kilgore & Kilgore has the resources and experience to manage the costs and complexities of class action lawsuits. We take pride in the fact that we are able to defend the rights of the little guy.
We Believe in Fair Employment and Fair Competition
A class action lawsuit allows a group of individuals or companies, who have been harmed by the wrongful conduct of a corporation or organization, to band together and pursue legal action.
Serving as lead or liaison counsel, our class action lawsuit lawyers have assisted corporate shareholder groups, small company groups and employee groups recover funds in class action lawsuit settlements. We have pursued cases against organizations that committed fraud and that violationed shareholder rights or employee rights.
Some recent examples of our class actions include the following:
- Recovered substantial funds for defrauded shareholders in class action litigation from organizations that committed securities fraud;
- Represented employee groups in class action litigation against organizations that were found to be in violation of ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act), resulting in the recovery of large financial sums;
- Represented a class of insurance agencies in their claim for lost commission premiums; and
- Represented a group of mental health service providers to recover unpaid overtime.
Our Clients Tell Us
Click on this link to read some of the many client testimonials that people have sent to thank our employee rights attorneys for getting them back on track. Kilgore & Kilgore can do the same for you.
Reach Out to Us
To learn more about our class action lawsuit cases, or to schedule an appointment to discuss matters in confidence with a class action attorney at our Dallas office, contact us today. We offer a free review of the facts of your case with a Kilgore & Kilgore attorney to help you understand your situation from a legal perspective, and to help you decide whether or how to proceed with an action.
Order affirming class certification:
Great Southern Opinion, Dallas Civ. App., 1999 WL 254430 (Tex. Civ. App. – Dallas 1999)
American Express Opinion, 883 S.W.2d 703 (Tex. Civ. App. – Dallas 1994)
Lawsuit against accounting firm for errors in the registration statement for an IPO:
Grant Thornton v. SunTrust Bank, 1335W3d 342 (Tex. Cir. App. Dallas 2004)