Our Dallas Employment Lawyers Assist Top Executives with Executive Compensation Matters

Our employment lawyers in Dallas negotiate compensation plans, deferred compensation agreements, severance packages, commissioned sales contracts, stock options, and non-compete agreements, for top executives and others. The attorneys at our firm use an experienced and, when necessary, aggressive touch. Our employment lawyers understand securities industry requirements, including Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) guidelines. The attorneys at Kilgore & Kilgore have experience in navigating stock options, executive compensation agreements, and severance packages.
Executive Compensation, Executive Bonus, Commissioned Sales Agreements, and Golden Parachutes
The employment lawyers at Kilgore & Kilgore have an excellent track record of representing chief executives, chief financial officers, chief information officers, presidents, vice presidents, and executive directors in obtaining fair pay for their services. The attorneys at our firm are licensed to practice in Texas. We are committed to a client’s success. We can provide tenacious support when disputes arise over base salary, stock options, bonus, and other benefits. Kilgore & Kilgore has a reputation for success against some of the largest corporations in the country.
We Help Protect the Lucrative Careers of our Executive Compensation Clients
If you are a commissioned sales person or an executive in a leadership position in finance, technology, health care, oil and gas, manufacturing, or another industry, Kilgore & Kilgore attorneys offer proven, knowledgeable representation regarding employment rights, executive compensation plans, severance packages, and other areas.
Our Executive Compensation Clients Tell Us
Click on this link to read some of the many client testimonials that people have sent to thank our employment lawyers for helping them get the remuneration they deserve for their hard work. Kilgore & Kilgore may be able to do the same for you.
Build an Executive Compensation Law Team
Kilgore & Kilgore receives most of its business referrals from other lawyers. When a conflict arises or there is a need for local or trial counsel, we stand ready to support the team in whatever configuration makes the most sense for achieving the best outcome. We always return the client to the referring source.
Reach Out to Us When You Need Help with an Executive Compensation Plan, Commissioned Sales Agreement or Severance Package
To learn more about our employment law practice or to schedule an appointment to discuss matters in confidence with an employment lawyer at our Dallas office, click here to get started contact us.