Dallas Whistleblower Protection Attorney

Bob Thornton, Attorney
The federal False Claims Act and similar state laws allow employees to file what is called a qui tam lawsuit. Employees may file these claims when their employers have committed fraud against the government. As Texas whistleblower protection lawyers, we defend employees who report their employers. If you need a whistleblower lawyer who knows the regulations and strategies involved in these complex cases, Kilgore & Kilgore has experience with protecting whistleblowers in Dallas and throughout Texas.
Some of the more common types of fraud that trigger qui tam lawsuits include:
- Medicare fraud;
- Oil and gas royalty fraud;
- Sarbanes-Oxley violations; and
- Environmental violations.
Whistleblower cases are common in the healthcare field, since healthcare administrators often see fraudulent activities involving Medicare. For example, qui tam lawsuits are filed against providers who submit invoices for unused equipment and unnecessary procedures, bill for non-existent patients, receive kickbacks from medical suppliers or drug makers, or who utilize upcoding. When the government recovers the money from the company, the employee can receive a percentage of the recovery. These sums can be substantial.
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Click on this link to read some of the many client testimonials that people have sent to thank our attorneys for getting them back on track. Kilgore & Kilgore can do the same for you.
Reach Out to Us
To learn more about our whistleblower and qui tam legal practice, or to schedule an appointment to discuss your situation with a whistleblower attorney at our Dallas office, contact us. We offer a free review of the circumstances of your case.
Thermex Energy Corporation v. Atlas Powder Company, (Civil Dist. Ct., Wise County, Texas)
Does it Pay to be a Whistleblower? – Update on Sarbanes-Oxley and Qui Tam – After the shareholder and employee debacles at Enron and WorldCom, Time Magazine named three whistleblowers as its persons of the year. For a trial lawyer contemplating a jury, one man’s whistleblower is another man’s tattle tale. Did the public’s disgust with corporate governance create a paradigm shift… Read More